
Kerlin (Special Education)

Page history last edited by Roberta Kerlin 11 years, 10 months ago


Remix #4 World War I MAIN Project  Roberta Kerlin World Studies Inclusion- March 26, 2013


Standards Used: World History Content  Statement  14: the causes of World War I included militarism, imperialism, nationalism and alliances. English Language Arts Communications: Oral and Visual Standard

Technology Used: iPad, Apple TV, computers, iPad apps

Taught in Mrs. Ash’s  Inclusion Classroom- 7th period with Mrs. Kerlin taking the lead for this lesson.

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the four MAIN causes of World War, the spark that started the war and the effect the causes had on the nations involved.

Student Task: Your group will create a 21st century presentation designed to teach the class your assigned topic.

Materials needed: a group of 3-4, one iPad or PC per group, textbook, notes, and one of the following apps: Skitch, Popplet, Knowmia, ShowMe, Educreations, and Doceri and a school email and password.

Timeline: three days of lecture/discussion on content (teacher using revised PowerPoint presentation presented in the iPad App Explain Everything (free app), one day of app research (using the iPad, Apple TV and various tutorial videos and a rating rubric to help student groups decide which app they will use to create their presentations), three class days for work on presentations learning and using research techniques, collaboration with group members and creating their presentations , and  one class for presentations.

Groups: The groups will be randomly selected by the teachers.  Each group will have 3-4 members and one iPad and PC per group.

Lesson Plan:

1.       Following the lecture and discussion students will use presentation rubrics and decide which app they will use to create their presentation.

2.       Students will follow their rubric and complete research on their topic using technology as well as PowerPoint notes and textbook as well as web resources.

3.       Teachers will check research and group member understanding before they create their presentation.

4.        Using the presentation app the group will create their presentation on an iPad

5.       Groups will be given the opportunity to review (peer edit) other groups presentations and make recommendations to each group.

6.       Revisions can be made to project before presentation.

7.       Each group will present their topic to the class using apple TV

8.       During presentations all class members will complete review chart from what they learned.

9.       Each student will complete a group assessment rubric and turn it in

10.   Finished projects will be emailed to Mrs. Kerlin for final assessment by rubric.


Reflection . So far.......

Reflection on Remix #4 – Freshman, Technology, Passwords and Baby Steps

After much thought and careful planning, I decided to jump right in and make some changes in one class where I am a co-teacher.  The other teacher and I have a great working relationship and she was on board right away.  The class is a ninth grade World Studies class with eighteen students, fifteen boys and three girls.  Six of the students are identified students and four students are at risk.  Needless to say this class is a daily challenge for both teachers.  We have tried many different techniques with them and we continue to have some students who are not engaged in the lessons.  Based on some of the things I learned in a class, I made some changes for the World War I unit.  Following three days of lecture, note taking and class discussion as well as hands on iPad instruction and video tutorials the class was divided into five learning groups by the teachers. The groups were given a very general rubric to follow which explained the project they would be doing and then I turned them loose to see what they would do.  Five staff members stepped up and allowed my student groups to use their iPads for this lesson.  A very big thank you goes out to each one of them.  Three days into the project I realized the class needed to take a step back, regroup and fill in some of the learning gaps they were exhibiting to give them the best chance of success on this project and more importantly a positive experience in the introduction of  21st century education classroom.  So on day four, the plan was to mirror the research the students had been doing, so the whole class could offer suggestions to each other. an important concept I learned is collaboration is not cheating it is a very important skill that 21st century employers are looking for.  But, the Apple TV password and the iPad password were not in sync and we were unable to use the technology.  Still we persevered and following schedule changes and snow days the groups were finally ready to use the iPad apps and create their presentations--- however some iPads were not available and some had passwords so no technology again. But the good news is we used the time for group collaboration and filled in the gaps in their research.   So with baby steps this freshman class will move forward tomorrow and create their presentations.  I will keep you posted!  





Remix # 2 Roberta Kerlin – Special Education - Inclusion - This is the original lesson from re-mix #2 that I remixed to #3.  The changes are below in red.

Biology: Biogeochemical Cycles Remediation
10th grade core subject
Regular Lesson:
Note:  The students took the quiz after the lesson and review on quiz let. They did not do well so the lesson is for remediation.
Objective: Remediate the three biogeochemical cycles, water, carbon and nitrogen cycles. Students will be able to identify and explain the processes by which water, carbon and nitrogen move through the environment.
Materials: PowerPoint notes, computer lab reserved for 2-3 days, web quest at http://www.ramonausd.net/164020818114610400/lib/164020818114610400/ES_BioGeoChem_Webquest.pdf,  printed answer documents for web quest, quiz let flashcards printed for review, quiz on quiz let printed for each student retake.
1. Students will work independently on web quest and complete each part and hand it in for grading.
2. Following completion of web quests students will review for quiz retake.
3. Students will retake quiz on biogeochemical cycles.

Remix Lesson: Remediation and Quiz Retake
This is a lesson I co-taught with Mrs. Speece.  Following their performance, we needed a remediation lesson so this is the lesson to remediate remixed to use iPads for the class.
Objective: Remediate the three biogeochemical cycles, water, carbon and nitrogen cycles. Students will be able to identify and explain the processes by which water, carbon and nitrogen move through the environment.
Materials: PowerPoint notes (PDF format on Wiki), for student review, iPads, Safari Browser, Speak Text for me App, Dropbox, quizlet website, Apple TV
1.  Students will receive their cycle quizzes back for review.
2. Students will use their iPads and review PPT notes which are upload onto the class wiki
3. During class each student will complete the cycling webquests found at http://www.ramonausd.net/164020818114610400/lib/164020818114610400/ES_BioGeoChem_Webquest.pdf  submit it through dropbox.
4. The class will then review using the vocabulary review site quiz let which includes flashcards and games. The review can also be done as a whole class review by using quiz let review games and flashcards and using the Apple TV to mirror them to the class.
5. Retake biogeochemical cycles on quiz let and submit through dropbox.

Accommodations:  Students who have difficulty with reading the web quest and questions can use the app, Speak Text for me.

 Remix Lesson #3: Remediation and Quiz Retake –
This is a lesson I co-taught with Mrs. Speece.  Following their performance, we needed a remediation lesson so this is the lesson to remediate remixed to use iPads for the class.
Objective: Remediate the three biogeochemical cycles, water, carbon and nitrogen cycles. Students will be able to identify and explain the processes by which water, carbon and nitrogen move through the environment.
Materials:  PowerPoint notes (PDF format on Wiki), for student review, iPads, Safari Browser, Speak Text for me App, ShowMe App, Dropbox, Quizlet website, Apple TV, …..
New 21st Century Classroom Procedures:
1. Since the quizzes were a taken on paper, the students will receive their quiz back.  The quiz will be reformatted and teacher will project quiz on apple TV. Students will lead a review facilitated by the teacher.  The student led discussion will include talking through each question and answer and explaining the correct answer.
2. During class each student will complete the cycling web quests found at http://www.ramonausd.net/164020818114610400/lib/164020818114610400/ES_BioGeoChem_Webquest.pdf .  The directions for the web quest will be delivered via the ShowMe App which will be linked to Edmodo so the students can work at their own pace and refer back to directions for assignments. The answers are saved as a pdf file and when completed students will submit through Dropbox. This activity will take at least two days to complete.
3. To prepare for the quiz retake the students will review the key terms involved in the three biogeochemical cycles using their power point notes on the class wiki and also using the Study Stack that is linked to the class Edmodo.
4. The biogeochemical retake quiz will take on a new format in the 21st century classroom.
Students will use their iPads and the App ShowMe.  Each student will demonstrate understanding of the biogeochemical cycles by creating a diagram and voice over explanation of their assigned cycle.  The apps List Selector (free) or Student Selector (2.99) will randomly select a cycle for each student to create.
5. Once the student has created their ShowMe, it will be uploaded to the ShowMe website where at least two other students in the class will collaborate with each student to proofread and edit the ShowMe.  The ShowMe can then be edited using the peer suggestions before it is uploaded for teacher assessment.
 Using the ShowMe app will increase the time of assessment by two or more class periods to allow students to complete and upload their work.

Accommodations:  Students who have difficulty with reading the web quest and questions can use the app, Speak Text for me.  By using this app the students who need extended time for their tests and assignments will have the assignment available on the class wiki and on Edmodo for their review. Students who have difficulty writing the assignment can use the ShowMe app to draw their understanding and use the voice over to verbally explain the cycle they are assigned.


Remix Lesson: Remediation and Quiz Retake 
This is a lesson I co-taught with Mrs. Speece. Following their performance, we needed a remediation lesson so this is the lesson to remediate remixed to use iPads for the class.
Objective: Remediate the three biogeochemical cycles, water, carbon and nitrogen cycles. Students will be able to identify and explain the processes by which water, carbon and nitrogen move through the environment.
Materials: PowerPoint notes (PDF format on Wiki), for student review, iPads, Safari Browser, Speak Text for me App, Dropbox, quizlet website, Apple TV


1. Students will receive their cycle quizzes back for review.
2. Students will use their iPads and review PPT notes which are upload onto the class wiki
3. During class each student will complete the cycling webquests found athttp://www.ramonausd.net/164020818114610400/lib/164020818114610400/ES_BioGeoChem_Webquest.pdf submit it through dropbox.
4. The class will then review using the vocabulary review site quiz let which includes flashcards and games. The review can also be done as a whole class review by using quiz let review games and flashcards and using the Apple TV to mirror them to the class.
5. Retake biogeochemical cycles on quiz let and submit through dropbox.

Accommodations: Students who have difficulty with reading the web quest and questions can use the app, Speak Text for me.



Remix #2 Jan. 3rd 2012


Remix # 2 Roberta Kerlin – Special Education - Inclusion

Biology: Biogeochemical Cycles Remediation 10th grade core subject

Regular Lesson:

Note:  The students took the quiz after the lesson and review on quiz let. They did not do well so the lesson is for remediation.

Objective: Remediate the three biogeochemical cycles, water, carbon and nitrogen cycles. Students will be able to identify and explain the processes by which water, carbon and nitrogen move through the environment.

Materials: PowerPoint notes, computer lab reserved for 2-3 days, web quest at http://www.ramonausd.net/164020818114610400/lib/164020818114610400/ES_BioGeoChem_Webquest.pdfprinted answer documents for web quest, quiz let flashcards printed for review, quiz on quiz let printed for each student retake.


  1.  (See below as it won't paste here)


Remix Lesson: Remediation and Quiz Retake 
This is a lesson I co-taught with Mrs. Speece. Following their performance, we needed a remediation lesson so this is the lesson to remediate remixed to use iPads for the class.
Objective: Remediate the three biogeochemical cycles, water, carbon and nitrogen cycles. Students will be able to identify and explain the processes by which water, carbon and nitrogen move through the environment.
Materials: PowerPoint notes (PDF format on Wiki), for student review, iPads, Safari Browser, Speak Text for me App, Dropbox, quizlet website, Apple TV


1. Students will receive their cycle quizzes back for review.
2. Students will use their iPads and review PPT notes which are upload onto the class wiki
3. During class each student will complete the cycling webquests found athttp://www.ramonausd.net/164020818114610400/lib/164020818114610400/ES_BioGeoChem_Webquest.pdf submit it through dropbox.
4. The class will then review using the vocabulary review site quiz let which includes flashcards and games. The review can also be done as a whole class review by using quiz let review games and flashcards and using the Apple TV to mirror them to the class.
5. Retake biogeochemical cycles on quiz let and submit through dropbox.

Accommodations: Students who have difficulty with reading the web quest and questions can use the app, Speak Text for me.


Remix # 1 Dec. 12th 2012


Roberta Kerlin Special Education (Inclusion) 

Inclusion World Studies 9 with Allison Ash (Original)  

Objective:  Using the rubric portray your understanding of the social, political, economic and environmental causes, events and consequences of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.


Task:  Create a detailed architectural map illustrating the positive and negative effects of the industrial revolution.


Class notes from lecture and handouts provided by teacher
Lesson rubric (handout) paper, pencil, colored pencils

Students will receive rubric and teacher will read over rubric with class then answer questions.

Students will then use notes and draw a representation following rubric.

Students will color and label drawings according to rubric.

When finished students will hand in drawing for grading by due date.

Time: two class periods and finish for homework
Accommodations: assignment broken into smaller chunks, work 1-1 with intervention specialist, extended time

Inclusion World Studies 9 with Allison Ash ( Remix Lesson) 

Objective:  Using the rubric portray your understanding of the social, political, economic and environmental causes, events and consequences of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.


Task:  Create a detailed architectural map illustrating the positive and negative effects of the industrial revolution.

Materials: iPad,  lecture notes , rubric, and examples of project all available on teacher Pbworks Wiki
Lecture available on YouTube for student review as needed
Apps available for use: YouTube, Dropbox, Safari Browser,  Skitch, Apple TV

Using pbworks wiki, students will download notes, rubric for review
Teacher will present examples for full group on Apple TV and answer any questions

Students will complete presentation using the Skitch app. Following rubric

When presentation is complete students will submit it for grading via email or Dropbox.

Time: 2 class periods
Accommodations: extended time, students receive clarification by 1-1 or small group with intervention specialist.
Using Skitch students can draw their own presentation or choose a picture using Safari Browser to edit and label.


Comments (12)

Roberta Kerlin said

at 8:02 pm on Dec 19, 2012

Thanks for your kind words. Not sure what you mean about the HD app?

Lori Motry said

at 8:48 pm on Dec 19, 2012

I thought HD was high def

Leslie Gabbert said

at 11:01 am on Dec 20, 2012

Ever see the episode of The Office where it takes Michael Scott so much longer to tell his staff something because he uses nothing but acronyms? Guess why that's funny.
P. S. How do I add features, such as italics, when typing comments.

Jayson Yeagley said

at 11:54 am on Dec 20, 2012

What I meant to say was:

Would students watch the lecture ahead of time or would they only have that if they needed extra help? I like the teacher modeling at the start...What to do or what not to do would provide a basement or ceiling...I like the idea of the dropbox....One thing we are working on is coming up with a bank of ways to present information....I will start a folder and a page to start to collect the info....

Roberta Kerlin said

at 2:24 pm on Dec 20, 2012

Jason was your comment for me or an answer to Leslie's comment.

Roberta Kerlin said

at 11:18 pm on Jan 6, 2013

Mr. Yeagley,
My whole remix lesson is not here. Is that the way it uploaded? Do I need to email it to you again?

Jayson Yeagley said

at 8:32 am on Jan 23, 2013

Remix #2...
Let me see if I have the info now from your 2nd remix....

Jayson Yeagley said

at 8:34 am on Jan 23, 2013

Still not showing up correctly....Let me paste the procedures:

1. Students will work independently on web quest and complete each part and hand it in for grading.
2. Following completion of web quests students will review for quiz retake.
3. Students will retake quiz on biogeochemical cycles.

Jayson Yeagley said

at 8:34 am on Jan 23, 2013

Remix Lesson: Remediation and Quiz Retake
This is a lesson I co-taught with Mrs. Speece. Following their performance, we needed a remediation lesson so this is the lesson to remediate remixed to use iPads for the class.
Objective: Remediate the three biogeochemical cycles, water, carbon and nitrogen cycles. Students will be able to identify and explain the processes by which water, carbon and nitrogen move through the environment.
Materials: PowerPoint notes (PDF format on Wiki), for student review, iPads, Safari Browser, Speak Text for me App, Dropbox, quizlet website, Apple TV
1. Students will receive their cycle quizzes back for review.
2. Students will use their iPads and review PPT notes which are upload onto the class wiki
3. During class each student will complete the cycling webquests found at http://www.ramonausd.net/164020818114610400/lib/164020818114610400/ES_BioGeoChem_Webquest.pdf submit it through dropbox.
4. The class will then review using the vocabulary review site quiz let which includes flashcards and games. The review can also be done as a whole class review by using quiz let review games and flashcards and using the Apple TV to mirror them to the class.
5. Retake biogeochemical cycles on quiz let and submit through dropbox.

Accommodations: Students who have difficulty with reading the web quest and questions can use the app, Speak Text for me.

Jayson Yeagley said

at 8:58 am on Jan 23, 2013

Remix#2--->Really cool with the remediation aspect. I don't think we do this enough as educators....With timeliness and tests...it is so easy to just keep going! How could you use the technology at hand to complete procedure #1 of the remix? What teacher/student-based activity would help fill this void? Regarding number three...Does the finished work download or save in PDF to drop it? I love the progress and the mindset....This lesson is perfect to re-remix. Be careful of the PDF as it can just serve as nothing more than a worksheet, but digital. What dynamic concepts are out there....Something as simple as "Explain Everything" might just provide the punch you are looking for as student voice is used to show understanding....Great work and please let me know if you need help!

Cathleen.Nicora said

at 12:19 pm on Feb 11, 2013

It is awesome to use the Show me app to get students' own explanation in multiple ways to help their understanding and your assessments. I also like the collaboration of students working together to re-edit and upload Show me work before assessment. Apple TV is good for mirroring flash card review. I wonder if there is something else that can also be mirrored ?

Cathleen.Nicora said

at 11:41 am on Apr 10, 2013

Mrs. Ash and Mrs. Kerlin: Great Job! The thoughfulness of the lesson seems right on for the 21st Century Learning and you have certainly planned ahead. Aside from the tech problems, did you find any other stalling points for the flow of your lesson?
Your lessons have great insights for me. This one seems so straight forward, but is packed with a number of skills required from your students that add to the depth and bredth of their learning experiences.

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