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Carr (Math)

Page history last edited by Jayson Yeagley 11 years, 7 months ago

IPad Remix #3 Integrated Math 1

Objective:  Be able to understand Slope

Materials:  Smartboard, textbook, pencil, paper

Procedure 1:   Students will be shown about slope with the use of the smartboard and it's notebook program. They will be given the definition and the shown examples of lines and how to find their  slopes.

Procedure 2:   Students will be given graph paper with lines on them and told to find the slope of given line. They also will be given equations and then told to graph them with their given slope.

Procedure 3:   The next day students will put the problems on the board and tell the class what their answer is and how they got it. Turn in work when completed and checked.





                                                                                      Remix # 3     Re-remix                                        

 *** Remix of lesson with iPads for teacher and students***

Objective:  Be able to find the slope of a line and objects in the physical world.

Materials:  iPads, Safari, Explain Everything, Edmodo, Dropbox notebook for smartboard, Apple Tv, idesign

Procedure 0:  The students will be told to find out what they can about slope and where it is used in the physical world. This will be done at home the night before.

Procedure 1:   The students will create objects with different slope and determine if they could walk up and down it, drive up and down it or if it is too steep to do anything with. They will investigate different amusement park and their roller coasters finding the slopes of each. The students will then project whatever they discovered to the apple tv using the apps they used.  Then the student will upload thier findings to the class Wiki and edmodo.

Procedure 2:   The students will then show examples of slope in the physical world. They will then create real world slope problems in their groups and then put them on Edmodo.
Procedure 3:   Students will anylize each of their fellow student’s real life examples and write why they agree with thier fellow students or not.  Students will place finished work in class Dropbox and on the edmodo







Remix #2 Jan. 3rd 2013


Integrated Math 1

Objective:  Be able to understand Slope

Materials:  Smartboard, textbook, pencil, paper

Procedure 1:   Students will be shown about slope with the use of the smartboard and it's notebook program. They will be given the definition and the shown examples of lines and how to find their  slopes.

Procedure 2:   Students will be given graph paper with lines on them and told to find the slope of given line. They also will be given equations and then told to graph them with their given slope.

Procedure 3:   The next day students will put the problems on the board and tell the class what their answer is and how they got it. Turn in work when completed and checked.


*** Remix of lesson with iPads for teacher and students***

Objective:  Be able to find the slope of a line and objects in the physical world.

Materials:  iPads, Safari, Explain Everything, Edmodo, Dropbox notebook for smartboard, Apple Tv

Procedure 0:  The students will be told to find out what they can about slope and where it is used in the physical world. This will be done at home the night before.

Procedure 1:   They students will project what ever they discovered to the apple tv. We wil spend 15 minutes on this. hen the student will upload thier findings to the class Wiki.

Procedure 2:   The students will then show examples of slope in the physical world. They will then create real world slope problems in their groups and then put them on Edmodo.
Procedure 3:   Students will solve each of their fellow student’s problems.  Students will place finished work in class Dropbox.



Remix #1 Dec. 12th 2012


In this lesson the teacher will use the ipocket Geometry app to show students the volume of various cylinders and cones.After this is shown the teacher ask the students to discover the relationship between the objects and their volumes.We then will have some physical cylinders and cones with the same bases and determine the physical properties of the their volumes. With this exercise I hope that the students find that the volume of a cone is 1/3, the volume of a cylinder with the same base.



Comments (7)

Jayson Yeagley said

at 9:39 pm on Dec 17, 2012

This seems like a good first remix...I would like to check out the lesson prior and then the remix in order to compare them...give that a shot for the second one...Thanks a lot...

Jayson Yeagley said

at 9:40 pm on Dec 17, 2012

Please ask me if you have questions as I can work with you 7th for the next one if you want...Great! Thanks!

Jayson Yeagley said

at 9:22 am on Jan 15, 2013

Awesome....I like some of the changes that you have included in this new remix. For procedure zero, what are some ways in which they might record the data they find? I like the pre-look before class. Class time can consist of activating the knowledge from the night before (or study hall for those without Internet connections). The presentation aspect is great and has many ways to mix it up each time....(pre-recorded, live-recorded, highlights, and whatnot). I also really like the "life" connection in regard to finding slopes in life...The finding and then creating is again a nice touch....Architectural Apps might be nice (depending on the output). Again, the sharing aspect using Edmodo is very worthwhile and provides the pressure of having more 'eyes' on the project than just the teacher...

Jayson Yeagley said

at 9:29 am on Jan 15, 2013

Thanks...great remix!

Jayson Yeagley said

at 3:27 pm on Feb 13, 2013

I put it on....Mr. Agnew...Enjoy!

Jayson Yeagley said

at 7:44 pm on Feb 14, 2013

Mr. Voorhees...This is completely my fault...I posted the wrong one...My bad..>The new one is up there. I am an idiot/jerk.

Mike Agnew said

at 9:09 pm on Feb 19, 2013

Joe, You picked a perfect topic for your re-mix. Slope is a subject that students seem to find difficult even though it is everywhere they look. Having the students find examples of slope in the real world should be an enjoyable and relatively easy assignment. I can picture the class discussing the many ways that slope affects the physical world. Two very important parts of your lesson are the collaboration of students working in groups and the dialogue that it will produce in Edmodo.

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