
Twitter Information Very helpful for beginners and new to professional use!

Page history last edited by eric.lowe@beaverlocal.org 12 years ago

Twitter Basics:
# = a hashtag- You can make up a hashtag for anything or anyone. Hashtags are how people can follow a certain topic. To learn more about hashtags check out Twitter's Help Center.

Lists- You can create lists or follow lists by 'subscribing' to lists already created. Your lists can be anything you want to keep track of. For example, I have a list of all the teachers that work in my district so I can see what they are doing and keep track of them easier. To learn more about lists check out Twitter's Help Center.

Favorites: On way of using the favorites button is a way to 'save' an article you want to read and you don't have time. Your favorites will then be listed on your Twitter page for yourself and others. To learn more about lists check out Twitter's Help Center.


Chat Resources and Pages:

Cybrary Man's Twitter Chat Catalogue

Resources and Articles:
Twitter for Teacher Professional Development
Edudemic- The Ultimate Guide to Using Twitter in Education
Cybrary Man's Sites for Twitter
Twitter for Educators by @techgirljenny
How Twitter is Changing PD

Comments (1)

eric.lowe@beaverlocal.org said

at 2:08 pm on Feb 18, 2013

some helpful information for those of you who want to use twitter but feel unsure of where to start

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