
1st Collection from Feb 20th 2013

Page history last edited by Jayson Yeagley 11 years, 11 months ago

Document #1-à Top 7 Ways to Maximize Impact of Lessons



A great breakdown of ways to adjust your lessons.  No technology at all.  These are things that you have known a long time…Things that you might have forgotten about or have never tried.  This is a great resource.



Document #2-à The Teacher’s iPad Spectrum (consume, collaborate, produce)



This is a quick little chart that breaks down tasks into the consume, collaborate, and produce categories.  The tasks are paired with sites/apps to get the job done.  Example: Plan project details with .wonderlust’.



Document #3à Rubric: Elements of 21st Century Lesson Plans (by Susan E. Alkire)



Kind of a guideline for creating/adjusting lessons to meet 21st century goals.  A great reference or jumping off point.



Document #4-àAASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Lesson Plan Database




AASL’s lesson plan rubric for submission.  I envision teachers using this as another starting point or lens from which units can be created.


WHAT DO YOU THINK…Join the conversation:


Comments (10)

Jayson Yeagley said

at 9:51 am on Feb 20, 2013

Please comment in this comment box. Please make note as to which document you are speaking of.

Jayson Yeagley said

at 10:49 am on Feb 20, 2013

Who will be the first to comment...JUST DO IT...it is so easy (peer pressure)

Jayson Yeagley said

at 3:10 pm on Feb 26, 2013

(using a monotone voice) Anyone....Anyone....Anyone....Bueller?

Becky Speece said

at 7:56 pm on Feb 26, 2013

Alright alright, geez Jayson! I started with document #3, the rubric for 21st century lesson plans. This is a really helpful document, that sort of streamlines all the ideas that are surrounding 21st century skills. It even has an assessment portion that coincides nicely with FIP your school, we started this last year during an in-service and will be hearing more soon.

Anywho, this document is a great tool for anyone who is like me and scours the internet all the time for lesson ideas and interesting ways to introduce new material to my students. Those subject groups on Edmodo are really good for this (at least the science people are very talkative). My very first day going back to school for a teaching license my professor told us "don't reinvent the wheel, learn from others' mistakes, beg borrow and steal!". It's great to find things already planned, materials listed, questions written, etc. but if they aren't promoting the higher level thinking, whats the difference really than some workbook printable? So this rubric can be used to tweak those lessons, and incorporate some of the new ideas and technology this group has been discussing. Sorry if this post seems a bit rambling, what does everyone else think?

Dayna Hendricks said

at 7:19 pm on Feb 28, 2013

Comment on document 1: this goes totally against what they are saying to do for the new and upcoming P.A.R.C.C. test that students will be taking in 2014/2015. They want students to do everything independently with little or no modeling. After attending today's Core curriculum meeting at the County office, they want students deeply involved with the text. They are to know how to do "close readings" without any teacher interference. The questions on this new test is heavily text based and students need to support their answers in ALL CONTENT AREAS using evidence and support from the text. I am finding that this test is going in the opposite direction of 21st Century Learning. It is geared towards Career and College readiness, but nothing like what this is suggesting. My concern is What is this district going to do when the test isn't geared for what you want us to do with 21st Century learning?

David Andres said

at 10:34 pm on Mar 3, 2013

Mr. Yeagley, In addition to the rubric mentioned in ducument number three, I believe five basic elements of instructional practices form the basis of planning an effective lesson. They are listed in order:
1. Choosing the appropriate learning goal.
2. Making practical pedegorical decisions about the nature of the learning experience.
3. Selecting and sequencing activity types to combine to form the learning experience.
4. Selecting formative and summative assessment strategies that will reveal what and how well students are
understanding the concepts.
5. Selecting the appropriate technological tools and resources that will best help students to benifit from the learning
experience being planned.
Overall, the model that I put in practice increases the likelihood of a seamless and successful integration that meets the needs of most of my learners on a daily basis.

Jayson Yeagley said

at 2:34 pm on Mar 15, 2013

Thanks you three...I was hoping for some more...encourage each other...let us chat on education.

Jayson Yeagley said

at 2:48 pm on Mar 15, 2013

Speece...Great comment.
It's great to find things already planned, materials listed, questions written, etc. but if they aren't promoting the higher level thinking, whats the difference really than some workbook printable?

I totally agree...Technology will not make a weak lesson strong....A weak lesson can only be made a (strong) teacher.

Jayson Yeagley said

at 2:50 pm on Mar 15, 2013

Mrs. Hendricks...Can they coexist? Is it possible for us to take on both at the same time or is that overwhelming for the teacher and the student?

Jayson Yeagley said

at 2:52 pm on Mar 15, 2013

Mr. Andres...those steps are very logical and need to be part of any lesson....Pre-assessment is also key...and I can't say enough about formative assessment.

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