
TED ED Flipping Learning

Page history last edited by eric.lowe@beaverlocal.org 11 years, 9 months ago




TED believes passionately that ideas have the power to change attitudes, lives, and ultimately, the world. This underlying philosophy is the driving force behind all of TED's endeavors, including the TED Conferences, TEDx, TEDBooks, the TEDFellows Program, and the TEDTranslations Project. With this philosophy in mind, and with the intention of supporting teachers and sparking the curiosity of learners around the world, TED is excited to launch its newest initiative, TED-Ed.


TED-Ed’s commitment to creating lessons worth sharing is an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas. Within the growing TED-Ed video library, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through the TED-Ed platform. This platform also allows users to take any useful educational video, not just TED's, and easily create a customized lesson around the video. Users can distribute the lessons, publicly or privately, and track their impact on the world, a class, or an individual student.

TED-Ed Videos

TED-Ed's videos aim to capture and amplify the voices of the world's greatest educators. To achieve this, we pair extraordinary educators with talented animators to produce a new library of exceptional educational videos. This website, similar to TED.com, is ever-evolving and we depend on you, the TED community, to nominate inspiring teachers that have touched your life or clever animators who have the skills to bring a gifted teacher's lesson to life.


The "flip this video" button allows you to turn a video into a customized lesson that can be assigned to students or shared more widely. You can add context, questions and follow-up suggestions.

Why is contextualizing a lesson important?
Because every learners' needs are different. TED-Ed videos come equipped with optional supplementary materials. When you "flip" a video you get to decide which of those materials you keep, and whether to craft your own. This will allow you to relate the resulting lesson to your class, to an individual learner, or to a wider group.

What kind of supplementary materials can you customize when you flip a video?
In addition to framing a video for your intended audience, you can also select from preconfigured quizzes and questions, create new open-ended questions, and add additional readings or activities to each lesson you create.

What do I do after I create a lesson?
You can share the lesson with students and others via e-mail, Facebook, or Twitter. It will exist on its own unique page on TED-Ed, and you can decide who gets to see that page.

After sharing, can I see who has completed my lesson?
Yes! After you have shared your lesson, you can log in at any time to see who viewed your lesson, the number of questions they attempted, the answers they provided, and, in the case of multiple choice questions, the number of questions they got right (with their permission, of course).

So why is it called "flipping" a video?
Two reasons. "Flip" is meant to indicate that teachers of all stripes can propel/catapult/slingshot the video to a wider audience. And "flip" is also a reference to a nascent and evolving teaching method called Flip Teaching.

What is flip teaching?
This refers to a method of instruction where classroom-based teaching time and traditional "homework" time are reversed (flipped). A teacher provides video lessons to be reviewed outside of class, which in turn gives teachers more time in class to focus on higher-order learning skills.

Teachers who want to use videos as a teaching tool are excited about the following:

  • Students using video outside class, can learn at their own pace. Those who get stuck on a concept can replay and watch again.
  • Video can include explanatory visuals that enhance understanding.
  • By allowing the students to absorb the basics of a lesson before coming to class, time is opened up in class for inquiry, discussion, collaboration, critical thinking, and personalized attention.
  • Essentially, flip teaching allows teachers to time-shift and expand total learning time.
We have been inspired by some of the early proponents of flip teaching, and have also learned from those skeptical of the idea. There are many forms of flip teaching, and none of them has been around long enough to be fully evaluated. So we certainly don't claim flip teaching is a panacea. But there may well be exciting potential here, and one role of TED-Ed is to make it easy for teachers to try it out for themselves and discover which form of it they find most useful. By sharing lessons that are working, and insights on what is effective, we hope to help spread best practices. We encourage feedback on this issue here

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