
IPAD Symposium Notes

Page history last edited by eric.lowe@beaverlocal.org 11 years, 8 months ago


Apps for intervention specialists
Objectives:find apps, apps to helps with IEPs, data collection, classroom management

McGraw hill education apps are free until midnight tonight for teacher appreciation  MHEONLINE.com

Showing progress on IEP goals:
-class dojo (keeps student alert and on task). Create your classes on the class dojo website.  THIS TRACKS POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE BEHAVIORS.  This could track collaboration and team work skills during PBL.  The info can be shared with parents.  Can use iPhone, iPad and it records it on the website too.  Can use for a classroom randomized if you shake your device.  Saves all the data and gives while class data for day, week, month and year for class and individual students. You can print parent and student invitations so that they can track individual progress online.

ABC Behavior Summary app: can track behaviors for individual students on this app. The app will identify antecedents for you.  This helps to develop a behavior plan.

TX Tools-helps to measure and collect data.  Does not save.

DATA- this app records data.  This app helps you track how often you see a behavior.  Can record 4 behaviors at a time.  You can email the saved data right from the APP.   Direct assessment tracking application.

eCOVE: this app allows you to track multiple students.  How often you call on them, praise rate, on task, off task. Following target behaviors.  Takes time to set up.

Functional life skills app: you can download apps that show specific life skills.


checkout APP GRATIS- one free app a day. Sometimes they are educational.

My IEP Meeting: need a free online account and app.  can track behaviors, accommodations.

NASET IEP Tool $10:  a goal bank!!!! Goals for everything!!!  You can add goals too.  You email the data to yourself and insert it into the IEP.

Teachers Assistant Pro:  This can be tailored to your students.  This will generate randomized groups

iComm for students with communication issues.  Choice board

Choice Board Creator app.  Can add three objects through pictures. 

Spelling Cat: can put your own word list

Comm App: communication board


Apps for organization, communication, document management, professional reading and PD. 

-calendar apps: can use calendar app to invite gen. Ed. Teachers to IEP meetings


-syncing:enables you to access info on all devices and computers through the cloud.

-doodle app.  Can put in available times to try and set up meeting times.

Diigo: social bookmarking service.  This will work on multiple devices and from the web.  You can tag people, share, and keep track of things.

Google search app: has voice search.  Google now: 

Communication apps:

Remind 101 have a math class Facebook page and intervention page

Google voice: can accept voicemails and be sent straight to cell phone without them having your personal phone number.

Document management apps:

GoodReader: can use this to read PDFs on the iPad.    Can get documents off of drop box for viewing and editing.

Evernote: you can capture we pages to import for reading later.

Google drive


Videolicious: can choose pictures and record notes over the pictures to create lessons or for kids to create projects.

Professional Reading and Development

-kindle reader
-flip book
-pocket: similar to instapaper, can find info online and save it for when your ready to read it.  And you don't need an Internet connection to use it!

Puppet pals HD



iTalk and Speak selection. You can tape yourself reading and kids can access it.  Through saving to DropBox and allowing all iPads in your room to access it.  This allows apps, websites, and other texts to be read aloud.

Mental case:they can draw images to create content specific flash cards.

Inspiration: use for concept mapping

Popplet.com: register then use for concept mapping.  Better than inspiration because you can add pictures.

Tools4students: a KWL chart that can be shared

Toontastic:  idea for a single iPad classroom.  Have kids write scripts and whoever has the best script can start on that station first.

Creative book builder

Scribble press

Awesome thing about the iPad is that kids can put information

Teach me app





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